1. The meet Journal writing standards, submitted manuscripts should at least contain a title, abstract, introduction, method, discussion conclusion, and bibliography
2. The manuscripts are arranged in A4 size paper format with 2 (two) columns as well as a 2 cm margin format on the right top, and bottom, and 3 cm on the left side.
3. Manuscript components are divided into Article, Author's Name (without title), Author's Affiliate address, Abstract and Keyword, introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, and Bibliography.
4. The article uses a Times New Roman font of 11 point size and 1 paragraph spacing
5. The Manuscript should be prepared using JKK TEMPLATE.
ARTICLE TITLE: The title clearly describes the research substance with a maximum of 20 words. The Title page should include each author's credentials, title/position, affiliation, and corresponding author and e-mail address.
ABSTRACT: Abstracts are written in English and Indonesian, consisting of a maximum of 250 words for each language with a maximum of 5 keywords. The structured Abstracts divide an original research article into Background, Objectives, Methods, Results, and Conclusions.
INTRODUCTION: The introduction must contain a general background, a previous literature review as the basis of the novelty statement, the research problem, and the purpose research.
METHOD: The research method describes the stages of research that contain the types and designs of research, population and samples, research variables, techniques for collecting data or measuring variables, methods of laboratory examination (if any), and data analysis techniques. If there is, at the end of this section, numbers and institutions can issue a letter of ethical clearance for research.
RESULT: Results contain important research findings that are narrated in a narrative manner. The narrative in this section must include all variables interested in the study. Data processing can be cultivated in the form of tables or images so that it is more interesting and easy to understand. Testing the hypothesis needs to mention what statistical tests are used in the analysis and write the results according to the statistical norms consistently
DISCUSSION: The discussion should be explained scientifically the result including What scientific findings are obtained?, Why did it happen? why is the trend of such variables? In addition, it should also be compared to the research of the other researchers who are almost the same topic.
CONCLUSIONS: Conclusions answer the hypothesis and research objectives or scientific findings obtained. The conclusions do not contain the repetition of the results and discussion but rather summarize the findings as expected in the objectives. If necessary, at the end of the conclusion can also be written the things that will be done related to the next idea of the study.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: All references referred to in the text of the article must be registered in the Bibliography. References should contain reference libraries originating from primary sources (scientific journals) published in the last 10 years. Each article contains at least 10 bibliographic references. Writing referral systems in the Article text and bibliography should use reference management application programs for example: Mendeley, EndNote, or Zetero.
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