The Correlation Between Age And Parity With Ruptured Perineum At Normal Labor In Puskesmas Padasuka The City Of Bandung Period 2015-2016


  • Sitepu, T.J Sitepu Politeknik Kesehatan TNI AU Ciumbuleuit Bandung
  • Putriani, I Putriani Politeknik Kesehatan TNI AU Ciumbuleuit Bandung



Age, Parity, Rupture Perineum, Normal Labor


Rupture perineum is a lot of problems that still occurs in normal labor. The birthingmothers
experienced a ruptured perineum as much as 520 (63%) at Puskesmas Padasuka the City of Bandung.To know the correlation between age and parity with ruptured perineum at normal labor inmPuskesmas Padasuka the City of Bandung Period 2015-2016. Type of analytic research with cross sectional design research. Sample selection technique used is total sampling technique, that the entire sample into the subject of research as much as 520 cases of pervaginam labor from 2015-2016. The highest incidence of ruptured perineum in the age group 20-35 years were 399 (76.7%), age <20 years were 45 (8.7%) and multipara parity were 353 (67.9%), grandemultipara were 14 (2.7 %). There was a significant correlation between age to ruptured perineum with p-value 0.000 (α <0,05) and there was a significant correlation between parity to ruptured perineum with p-value 0,000 (α <0,05) in Puskesmas Padasuka the City of Bandung.



How to Cite

Sitepu, S. T., & Putriani, P. I. (2021). The Correlation Between Age And Parity With Ruptured Perineum At Normal Labor In Puskesmas Padasuka The City Of Bandung Period 2015-2016. JURNAL KESEHATAN KARTIKA, 14(2), 72–76.